Volunteer Release and Waiver of Liability

Terms of Agreement must be accepted before submitting the form. By submitting the form you hereby release the Black Authors Festival and its associates, Ambassadors, subsidiaries, etc. from all harm and liabilities whatsoever perpetually. All Ambassadors must be at least 18 years of age. The Persons and Entities Released: Black Authors Festival, LLC, all Ambassadors and paid personnel and all affiliated Sponsors (the participating entities), and all others, jointly, severally, and individually.

The Ambassador desires to provide volunteer services and engage in activities related to serving as a volunteer for the Black Authors Festival.

  1. WAIVER AND RELEASE: I, the Ambassador, release and forever discharge and hold harmless the above listed entities from any and all liability, claims, and demands of whatever kind or nature, either in law or in equity, which arise or may hereafter arise from the services I provide. I understand and acknowledge that this Release discharges from any liability or claim that I may have with respect to bodily injury, personal injury, illness, death, or property damage that may result from the services I am providing for The Event.

  2. INSURANCE: Further I understand that none of the above participating entities assumes any responsibility for or obligation to provide me with financial or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health or disability benefits or insurance of any nature in the event of my injury, illness, death or damage to my property. I expressly waive any such claim for compensation or liability on the part of the participating entities.

  3. MEDICAL TREATMENT: I hereby Release and forever discharge the participating entities from any claim whatsoever which arises or may hereafter arise on account of any first-aid treatment or other medical services rendered in connection with an emergency during my tenure as an Ambassador with the Event.

  4. ASSUMPTION OF RISKS: I understand that the services I provide to the Festival may include activities that may be hazardous to me including, but not limited to involving inherently dangerous activities. As an Ambassador, I hereby expressly assume the risk of injury or harm from these activities and Release ALL participating entities from all liability for injury, illness, death, or property damage resulting from the services I provide as an Ambassador or occurring while I am providing volunteer services for The Event.

  5. PHOTOGRAPHIC RELEASE: I grant and convey to the Festival organizers all right, title, and interests in any and all photographs, images, video, audio in connection with my providing volunteer services for The Festival.

  6. OTHER: As an Ambassador, I expressly agree that this Release is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of New York and that this Release shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York. I agree that in the event that any clause or provision of this Release is deemed invalid, the enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Release shall not be affected.

I express my understanding and intent to enter into this Release and Waiver of Liability willingly and voluntarily.


By volunteering, purchasing a ticket, or in any manner being associated with teh Black Authors Festival, LLC you are accepting all of our terms. You acknowledge that participating in the Black Authors Festival (BAF) exposes you to the possible risk of personal injury. You, being fully aware that participating in the BAF exposes you to the possible risk of personal injury, hereby release the Black Authors Festival, L.L.C. (“the BAF”) and its officers, directors, honorees, employees, agents, licensees, subsidiaries, consultants, independent contractors, and/or affiliates from any and all liability for property damage, personal injuries, or other claims arising from or in connection with your participation in the BAF, including claims known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen, future or contingent. Further, you hereby release all sponsors (“the BAF Sponsors”) affiliated with the BAF and the BAF Organizer as well as their officers, directors, employees, agents, licensees, subsidiaries, consultants, independent contractors, and affiliates from any and all liability for property damage, personal injuries, or other claims arising from or in connection with your participation in the BAF, including claims known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseen, future or contingent. By accepting the terms, you enter a covenant declaring that you shall not now nor at any time in the future directly or indirectly commence or initiate any action, suit, or other proceeding against the BAF Organizer or the BAF Sponsors and their officers, directors, employees, agents, licensees, subsidiaries, consultants, independent contractors, and affiliates, arising out of or relating to the actions, claims, and demands hereby waived, released, or discharged by you. For good and adequate consideration, which your signature, purchasing of tickets, volunteering, and/or attending and in any manner being affiliated with BAF acknowledges you have received, you comprehend, and have granted, release, and quit claim to the BAF Organizer and the BAF Sponsors/Honorees the right and authority to use, sell, reproduce, and distribute quoted material, biographical information, your e-mail address, photograph, likeness, recorded voice, or videotape-filmed appearances (“the Material”) for promotional or advertising purposes or programs as the BAF Organizer and/or BAF Sponsors, in their sole discretion, shall deem appropriate. Further, you grant the BAF Sponsors affiliated with the BAF and the BAF Organizer permission to use your postal mailing address and/or electronic mail address to disseminate future mailings related to events and promotions hosted by the Black Authors Festival and Black Authors Festival, LLC. These addresses will be used for internal purposes only. Using all personal audio, video, and photography for commercial and promotional use is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the Black Authors Festival, L.L.C. Failure to comply may result in legal action. Your signature acknowledges that you have read and fully understand this injury waiver and general release form. This agreement shall be binding on you, your spouse, your children, legal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns in perpetuity.


As the parent or legal guardian of the child named below, I hereby give my full consent and approval for my child to participate as an Ambassador in the Black Authors Festival. I understand that there are certain risks of injury and a possibility of serving as an Ambassador. This includes traveling to and from the Festival.  I am willing to assume these risks on behalf of my child. I hereby certify that my child is fully capable of participating in the Black Authors Festival and that my child is healthy and has no physical or mental disabilities or infirmities that would restrict full participation. In addition to giving my full consent for my child’s participation, I do hereby waive, release and hold harmless the Black Authors Festival, honorees, sponsors, venue owners, subsidiaries, agents, etc. for any injury that may be suffered by my child in the normal course of participation in the Black Authors Festival and the activities incidental thereto, whether the result of negligence or any other cause. This is in perpetuity and I have read the above release and waiver liability and accept all terms. By completing this form and allowing my child to participate is also stating that I agree to all terms. _______________________________________________

(Name of Your Child) _________________________ (Date of Birth)

(Full Address) Please list any physical limitations (allergies, hearing, sight, etc.)

_____________________________________________(Parent Signature)
